Reading Group Announcement: Parallel Repeition, Unique Games and Foams? - Winter 2008-09

Time : Wed 1:30-3:30pm
Location: Taub 201
Organizer :
Homepage: http:/

Parallel Repetiton, Unique Game and Foams?

In this reading group, we will study the parallel repetition theorem, its connection to unique games and tiling in high dimensional spaces.

The parallel repetition theorem [Raz 1998] has been extremely useful to compute the exact inapproximability of several optimization problems. Two years ago, Holenstein simplified Raz's proof of the repetition theorem. Since then, there has been a flurry of activity in this area: understanding the behavior for special type of 2-prover games (projection, unique); its relation to unique games; why certain strong forms of the repetition theorem are false; and interestingly enough, why understanding repetition theorem requires an understanding of foams!!

We hope to cover all these (and more exciting topics) in this reading group.

Prahladh Harsha
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