Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Modernising Nuclear Instrumentation - Indigenous Efforts

ASET Colloquium
Speaker: V.B.Chandratre Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Electronics Division Trombay Mumbai 400085
Date: Friday, 19 Mar 2010 (all day)
Venue: AG-66 (Lecture Theatre)

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Abstract:  The strategic electronics and High energy physics has been mainly the driving force for modernizing the nuclear instrumentation. There is a need for indigenous effort to catch up with advancement for obvious reasons. The department of atomic energy augmented a comprehensive programme that envisages grand plan of Silicon to Chip , an indigenous effort. The microelectronics activity is one such undertaken with perspective of manufacturing with ECIL Ltd. This would require planned R&D in material science, microelectronics and building core strengths in the respective areas along with required infrastructure.

This talk will cover specifically the efforts undertaken for design, development of silicon sensors and the Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) for applications in nuclear instrumentation. I will discuss the indigenous development of Silicon strip detectors, silicon drift detectors, silicon photodiodes, silicon Avalanche photodiodes, Silicon Photomultiplier and its readout front end electronics ASICs developed: Indiplex (Anusanskar) , Singleplex , Anushikhar , Anupravah , Anusparsh , Anusmriti , Anuroop etc. The talk will also discuss our on going work for INO Front-end electronics schemes and Microelectronics facilities at ECIL's Centre for Micro-Electronics.