Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Pseudo-deterministic Algorithms

STCS Student Seminar
Speaker: Vishwas Bhargava (Rutgers University New Brunswick-Piscataway New Jersey United States)
Organiser: Tulasi mohan Molli
Date: Friday, 24 Aug 2018, 17:15 to 18:15
Venue: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room)

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Abstract:  In this talk, we describe a new type of probabilistic algorithm (introduced by Gat and Goldwasser [GG11]) called Pseudo-deterministic Algorithms: a randomized algorithm which is guaranteed to run in expected polynomial time and to produce a correct and unique solution with high probability.
The name comes from the fact that they can not be distinguished from deterministic algorithms in polynomial time by a probabilistic polynomial time observer with black-box access to the algorithm.
We will discuss some interesting algorithms as well as open problems. We will also look at  Pseudo-deterministic Algorithms from a complexity point of view.