
Thanks to all speakers, participants, and the local organisers, that helped make the workshop a success.

All the talks from the workshop are uploaded on Youtube.

Other links:

Mechanisms are a means of selecting candidates and assigning resources or responsibilities among strategic agents. Voting, auctions, stable matching, course allocation, and fair division are all instances where mechanisms are used, to obtain solutions thaat are not just economically efficient but also socially justifiable.

The past few years have seen many new applications and developments. Examples include ride-sharing, participatory budgeting, auctions in social networks, assignment problems with diversity constraints, fairness in machine learning, and applications in blockchains.

This workshop aims to bring together leading researchers in these areas, and present some of these exciting new developments as well as challenging problems. Our goal is to have a forum for presentation as well as discussion among participants.

A previous edition of this workshop was held at FSTTCS, 2023.

We gratefully acknowledge financial support by ACM India towards the workshop.

Venue & Date

Location: IIT Gandhinagar, AB 1/101. This is near the Jibaben auditorium and 2 Degree cafe.

Date: December 19th and 20th, 2024

Please see the FSTTCS info webpage for more details on the venue, maps, logistics, etc.


Registration for the workshop is through the FSTTCS 2024 homepage. The last date for early registation is November 24th.

Note that FSTTCS this time has a volunteer program. Students and postdocs selected as postdocs will have their registration fees waived. The last date for applications is November 20th.


Umang Bhaskar, Meghana Nasre.

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