[Dec. 2023] Won the Google India Research Award 2023 jointly with Abhishek Sinha for Research on Online Convex Optimization.
[Aug. 2023] New Textbook "Online Algorithms" published. Buy Look Inside
[Aug. 2023] Teaching "Convex Optimization" Fall 2023 [Videos]
[Sept. 2022] Best Paper Award Runner Up - WiOpt 2022 for the paper "On Dynamic Regret and Constraint Violations in Constrained Online Convex Optimization"
Talk Video [15mins]
[Feb. - May 2021] Course on Online Algorithms Spring 2021
[Nov. 2020] Best paper award - Performance 2020 for the paper, ``Network Speed Scaling", co-authored with Jayakrishnan Nair from IIT-Bombay. [Nov. 2020] Mentioned in the Stanford list of world's top 2% scientists in the area of Networking and Telecommuncations
[June 2020] Best paper award- WiOpt 2020, `''Non-clairvoyant Scheduling of Co-flows", co-authored with Akhil Bhimaraju, and Debanuj Naik