Hi, I'm Umang Bhaskar. I am a faculty member in the School of Technology and Computer Science at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

My primary research is on algorithmic game theory, the study of computational problems that arise when multiple rational agents interact, each trying to optimize its own objective. I'm further interested in problems in combinatorial optimization, especially online and approximation algorithms.

Before joining TIFR, I was:

  • a postdoctoral scholar at UWaterloo and Caltech;
  • a PhD student at Dartmouth College;
  • an MTech student at IIT, Bombay; and
  • an undergrad at NIT, Allahabad

Somewhere in between, I worked for two years with Tata Consultancy Services.

I co-organised a Workshop on Complexity in Algorithmic Game Theory on December 10th, 2019, at IIT Bombay prior to FSTTCS 2019, with Siddharth Barman. It was a great program, thanks to all the attendees and speakers! Check the website for talk slides.

In memoriam: Phani Raj Lolakapuri

Mailing address:A-211, School of Technology and Computer Science,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Colaba, Mumbai - 400 005, India.
Office phone:+91-22-2278 2288
Email:u@tifr.res.in, with 'u' replaced by 'umang'
Recent Teaching
2022: Algorithmic Game Theory
2023: Computational Social Choice
2023: Algorithms and Data Structures
Other stuff
VV 2024: Resources for the Algorithms on Graphs course.
For a list of publications, please see my DBLP page. If you would like a copy of a paper, please send me an email.
Students & Internships
If you are not a student at TIFR and would like to work with me, please apply to the TIFR VSRP. Note that entrance to this programme is very competitive. I typically do not take students outside of VSRP, and prefer students that have completed three years of undergraduate education.

If your research interests are aligned with mine, send me an email with details. I may not respond if this is not the case.


My interests include hiking, traveling to new countries and places, board games, reading and (very occasionally) writing.