Regular languages over countable words

Raghuvansh Saxena
Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025, 16:00 to 17:00
A-201 (STCS Seminar Room)

Countable words are mappings from a countable linear ordering to a finite alphabet. Finite words and omega words are examples of countable words. In this talk, we look at the refined understanding of language-logic-expression-algebra interplay over countable words.

Regular languages are those languages (over countable words) definable in monadic second order logic. However, regular languages also have multiple characterizations through expressions, algebra etc. We will also look at some nice subclasses of regular languages – like those languages definable in first order logic, weak monadic second order logic etc.

Short Bio:
I am a faculty in the computer science department of IIT Goa. I did my PhD from IMSc, Chennai. I am interested in automata theory and logic.